J'adore Red Roses Bouquet


J'adore Red Roses Bouquet

from SGD 85.00

J’adore Bouquet

The ever classic red rose is the unmistakable expression of love. Nothing beats red roses in saying “I Love You”. Our J’adore bouquet comes in 9, 15, 20 or more roses completed with green foliage, classic cream/white wrapping and a satin wine ribbon.

Our 20 and 30 Rose Bouquets are frequently used for Proposals

9 Roses - $85

15 Roses - $125

20 Roses - $150

30 Roses - $200

Dimensions: Bouquet size for 9 Roses is approximately 50cm Height by 40cm width

Please note that photos are for reference only. As each bouquet is hand tied, your final product may differ from the photograph. Fresh flowers are subject to seasonal availability and in an event where a particular flower is unavailable, we will replace it with something similar. Rest assured the bouquet will still have the same style and variety and value.

Self Collection Information

Self collection is available at Botany Studio, 8 Burn Road, Trivex, #16-11, Singapore 369977.

Our store opening hours are Tuesday-Saturday 10.30am-6pm, Monday 10.30 - 1pm

Delivery (+$15)

Doorstep delivery is available between 11am-5pm

Please note that we are unable to accommodate deliveries at specific timings. In the event if the recipient is not around, we will leave it at a secure area (such as receptions for offices, a discreet area at a property, i.e. behind a gate) abiding with the security restrictions of the place. Nonetheless, we would love to hand the flowers to the intended recipient personally so please try to find out if they are available to receive it. A $15 re-delivery fee is chargeable if the delivery attempt has failed (due to reasons such as wrong address provided, recipient is uncontactable and there is no one to receive it etc) or due to last minute changes in address when flowers are already sent out for deliveries. More information here

Caring for your arrangement

  1. Remove flowers from wrapping and water source

  2. Snip stems at a sharp angle

  3. Display at cool area in a vase of water

  4. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat

  5. Change water every day

  6. Enjoy your flowers!

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